A story you won't believe...
After having been working here for almost 28 years, I still see and experience things or situations I can hardly believe......
The next story is one of those stories, I struggle with and I am very upset about...
Last week a older lady came to Amecet, asking if she could adopt one of our children.. That happens regularly, so our social workers talked with her and explained the process, we don't give out children, we try to resettle children within their relatives and when we have a child that is abandoned, we try all we can, to find relatives. If we fail to find any relatives, we search for a family who want to foster the child and adopt later. This whole process goes via the Probation Office and the Magistrate from Court. One of the men who was travelling with the lady, asked when we were going to give his aunty her adoption papers, she was waiting for them. The aunty was an older lady who lived in the village.
The lady "adopted" a boy of around 7 years. There was a man in the village, who said that he was working with Amecet Children's Home. If she wanted to adopt a child, he could help. He brought her even to Soroti and stood at our gate, the lady was told not to talk to us, he was doing all the talking. One of our social workers met them at the gate and asked them if he could help. They answered that they came to see the children who were for adoption. The social worker answered that we are no supermarket for children and if they were serious they could first do the paperwork and a letter from their clan and then we would talk further and meet also the Probation officer. So they left, back to the village. The lady paid the man 400,000 Ush. for the work he had to do, the paperwork etc.. Some time later the man came to the lady with a boy of 7 years old, and she had to pay the last 200,000 Ush. The papers would be brought by Amecet, the man told the lady. Of course the papers didn't come and the nephew of the old lady came to ask in Amecet when the papers would be brought. And this brought everything to the light!!
Our social workers called the old lady and talked with her, she promised to come to Amecet the next day, together with the boy and we contacted the Police. This boy was sold to this lady in the name of Amecet. This is a crime!! The lady came and talked with the Police, she did the whole story and now she also realised that she had "bought" the child, she was scared. Together with the lady, the police and a reporter they went to the village to arrest the man. The boy was taken in Amecet, till we knew where he came from. The man was arrested and taken to the cells. The mother was found and the story became more open. The man was the biological father of the boy, he separated years ago with the mother and the mother had raised the boy on her own. Now the father went to them and demanded the boy back, that is how he got the boy and then brought him to this old lady to let her adopt him. He also wrote for her a will to sign, where she would leave her land in the boys name.
I can't believe how bad the man is, to sell your own son!!! And he lived in the same village!!! We were also upset about how he used the name of Amecet, working with children is delicate, you always have to be transparent and always work within the law.. We sometimes hear stories about us, you never know where they come from, but people tell us sometimes what they hear, That when you bring your child to Amecet and you want it back, you have to pay a lot of money or we also heard stories that we sell children... It hurts to hear the stories, because it scares people to bring the children to us for help, and children might die, because of lack of help. So this story will go on the local radio and the news, we want to warn the people to never pay money to any person who says he or she is with Amecet. We never ask for money so do not pay anybody who asks in our name..
There are many "con men" here who ask money for education and after the people pay, they disappear.. A school nearby us, received more than 200 students, they had paid for registration and were promised that they were going to receive free education through an organization in that school, so they all went there, to find out that they were cheated and there was no organization and they lost their "registration money" to a con man. I think it was a year ago that a family came to Amecet with their daughter. They had heard that Amecet was looking for a nurse, the daughter was a nurse and they had paid 1,500,000 Ush (400 Euro) to a person who would assure that job to their daughter, they even sold their bull for it, to pay that person the money. After paying, the person disappeared and they came to Amecet to ask for that job... .
It is not easy to handle all this, it upsets and sometimes makes you really angry, you also do not understand that people believe all those lies, but sometimes people are desperate for school fees or for a job, so they believe when someone can talk well...
Today the little boy is going back to his mother, our social workers team is bringing him to the village and together with the Probation Officer, he will be given back to his own mother, who is happy to receive him.
The man is still in the cells and it is now to the Police and the Court to decide what will happen with him, he has committed a serious crime.
We will speak on the local radio about this case and warn the people to be careful who they believe in...