
Children of the primary school are lined up for class to start. This is harmony school in Soroti, Uganda. Education for the children in Africa

Youth With a Mission worked together with Amecet and “de Figurant” to set up two schools. A preschool and a primary school. This is the start of which a child’s foundation is built upon for the rest of their lives. Our vision is to give the children in our community a Christian education. The primary school contains 7 classes (P1-P7). The primary school contains 3 classes (baby class, middle class, and top clas). We pick the children up with the harmony school bus and also bring them back home after school.

We also sponsor 40 children so they can go to school. These are children who have lost one or two parents. Or who’s parents are HIV+. Our social workers will talk to the parents to see if they qualify for a sponsorship. Lots of parents are not able to pay school fees and choose not to send their children to school. It’s often difficult because there is not enough money for school.


African school. Children waiting for the school to start in Soroti, Uganda.

Pre school

The schoolbus of the harmony school. The schoolbus sponsored and maintaned by Amecet

The harmony schoolbus

School in Africa. In Uganda this is how our classroom looks. We teach children every day from pre school to high school

In the classroom

School in Uganda. The bell rings and children enjoy themselves. Education in Africa for the children

When the bell rings

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