Tante Suus

The Tante Suus foundation is established by de Figurant to give children an education.
On April 8 2009 Suzanna Dieleman died at the age of 92. Everybody who knew her called her “Tante Suus”. (Tante means aunt in Dutch.)
She was born on July 13, 1916 in a simple farmers family. After primary school she wanted to go to high school and college to study. But as the possibilities where limited she never got the chance to do so. Her whole life consisted of manual labour. After her working life she enjoyed a long period of retirement. She became a big beneficiary of de Figurant foundation.
The inheritance she left behind was meant to start a foundation for children to go to school. Children with limited opportunity’s like herself can now get a scholarship and learn a craft. We we want to encourage and ask people to continue this legacy by standing in and giving on her behalf. All the money is going to the scholarships of children with limited possibilities. All scholarship request are evaluated and linked to their results.
One of the first scholarships was given out to Mary from Amecet. She went on after high school to college and studied to become a nurse. Also Issa got a scholarship and now has a job as a laboratory technician. Catherine, Anthony and Christopher got an education in sewing. All of them graduated and got a sewing machine. Which is now their main source of income. Francis and Naomi became teachers at the preschool and Kevina is now also a teacher, she teaches at the primary school. Meanwhile there are a lot of other students on their way to a bright future. This will enable them to take care of themselves and be responsible for their family. More will follow in their footsteps.