
We now own a piece of land where we can plant our crops and have some animals. This is a nice investment. Our goal is to plow the field and build a fence around it this summer. Building the fence is our next investment. It is necessary otherwise the crops or animals will get stolen.
When we bought the land it was a wilderness of grass, bushes, and trees. The bushes and trees are getting cut down and the soil is getting plowed with the help of cows. After that we can start sowing and planting crops.
When the work in the soil is done it will be a matter of maintenance. The goal is to become self-sufficient. That way we do not have to buy our food on the market anymore. The food that we have left over we can sell. Another nice addition is that this will creates job opportunities for the locals.
We carefully started our self support program. We now have three beautiful Friese cows of which two of them are pregnant. Those cows will give us milk in the future. We placed the cows at the Amun house now, but we will move them to our new land in the future.

After our humble beginning, the farm has grown . We shifted our cows to our new farm and we were able to buy a pump on solar energy and we can irrigate the land. We could buy the land next to it and we planted fruit trees.

Because of a financial gift, we bought more cows and also build a bigger stable for them. Several calves were born and the baby's in Amecet are drinking their milk!!

The ow dung is collected and brought to Amecet, where it is poured into the biogas tank, it produces bio gas where the meals are cooked on. The left over goes back to the farm and being spread as manure on the land.

In the empty "stable" in Amun house (where the first 3 cows were), we have now 30 chickens and we are enjoying the eggs!!!