My name is Emma and I will tell you something about my time at Amecet. I have been here two times. The first time for half a year (october 2015 to april 2016) and the second time for three weeks (march 2017). I had a wonderful and special time at Amecet. I worked six days a week and took care of the children together with the Ugandan staff. We feed them, bath them, and give the baby’s their bottle. With the toddlers and older children I played and I also helped around the house. I slept in the staff house in the Amecet compound and every day I got three meals. The time at Amecet, taking care of the baby’s and working and living in a culture so different from my own is something I wouldn’t want to mis for the world. That is why I came back after a year. I enjoyed my time at Amecet and saw the wonderful work they do for the children. If you want to volunteer at Amecet and you want to know more about my experience there, you can always send me an email:

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